Give your Beard & Brows a new look

Give your Beard & Brows a new look

Give your Beard & Brows a new look

What’s the first thing you think of when you hear Hair Transplantation? Almost always it’s about transplanting the hair on your head. But did you know that you could fill and fix the hair condition of your beard, moustache and eyebrows too? Yes, that’s right! The basic principle and process of hair transplantation remains the same for the scalp hair, beard and moustache. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is the most used and safe process. FUE process involves extracting individual hair follicles from areas on the scalp that have dense hair and this is transplanted on to the desired area.

The process is a little more nuanced in the case of beard and moustache because the hair grows in these areas in different angles and directions. So the beard and moustache transplant requires more precision and skill as each hair follicle needs to be placed in the appropriate direction or angle to make it look seamless. This process can be used to fix hair loss, and also to improve density in areas on the beard, side burns or moustache. The hair used for facial hair transplant is mostly extracted from a specific area of the head as the hair texture of this area is similar to the beard and moustache hair.

The patient is given a detailed breakdown of the dos and don’ts, care and precautions to be taken before and after the procedure. The implanted hair usually starts growing after 3 months and then gradually improves over the next few months. As with most other procedures, here too there could be variations depending on each person’s basic hair structure, skin texture, healing ability, etc. But be assured that the Hair O Craft experts will always be available for follow-up and consultation.

At Hair O Craft (Trivandrum hair transplant), we never make our clients feel insufficient or flawed. It is about feeling confident, doing what makes you happy, and we try to help with the best and safest procedures to attain this. For more details, regarding different treatments like GFC treatment, visit us or call us 𝟗𝟏 𝟒𝟑 𝟒𝟑 𝟒𝟑 𝟎𝟎

Tags: hair transplant treatment, hair clinic near me

Hair Care in Monsoon

The monsoon season brings relief from the scorching summer heat but also poses unique challenges for hair care. Excessive humidity, rainwater, and dampness can wreak havoc on our tresses, leading to frizz, dandruff, and other hair-related issues. However, with a few simple tips and tricks, you can keep your hair healthy and vibrant during the rainy season. 

Hydration is Key.

During the monsoon, it’s crucial to maintain adequate hydration for your hair. Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your hair nourished from within. Using a hydrating shampoo and conditioner will help retain moisture and prevent dryness. Look for products infused with natural ingredients like aloe vera or coconut oil, which are known for their hydrating properties.

Shield Your Hair from Rainwater.

Rainwater might seem harmless, but it can contain pollutants and dirt particles that can damage your hair. When heading out in the rain, consider wearing a hat or using an umbrella to protect your hair. If your hair gets wet, make sure to rinse it with clean water and avoid rubbing it vigorously with a towel. Instead, gently pat your hair dry to prevent breakage and minimise frizz.

Maintain a Clean Scalp.

The increased humidity during the monsoon season can lead to an oily scalp, making it prone to dandruff and itchiness. Keep your scalp clean by washing your hair regularly with a mild shampoo. However, avoid excessive washing, as it can strip away essential oils and further stimulate oil production. A weekly deep-cleansing scalp treatment with natural ingredients like tea tree oil or neem oil can help keep dandruff at bay and maintain a healthy scalp.

Protect Your Hair from Fungal Infections.

Fungal infections, such as ringworm, are more common during the monsoon season due to the presence of moisture and humidity. To protect your hair from such infections, avoid using hair styling tools or products that can create a damp environment. Keep your hair tied up or in braids to minimise contact with rainwater. Additionally, using an anti-fungal shampoo once a week can help prevent and treat any potential fungal infections.

Taking care of your hair during the monsoon season requires a little extra effort, but the results are worth it. By following these essential hair care tips, you can maintain healthy, lustrous locks and avoid common monsoon-related hair issues. Embrace the rains with confidence and let your hair shine, even on the cloudiest of days. During the monsoon season, finding the best hair clinic is crucial for maintaining healthy and lustrous locks. Consider getting the best hair transplant in Kerala to address any monsoon-related hair issues. 

Tags: hair transplant, hair clinic near me

PRP – safe way to healthy hair

Cosmetic procedures-be it hair or skin or even dental -are often viewed with a certain hesitation and even fear. The team at Hair O Craft understands this and is always eager to have detailed conversations with the clients, explaining the procedures, the pre care, the post care, side effects and so on. How many of you have heard about PRP treatment? PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma is a non-surgical procedure to stimulate hair growth. Sounds simple! And yes, safe too.

To break down the procedure, here’s what it is in a nutshell. It is the process of using healthy platelets from a person’s blood and injecting it to the scalp to give added nourishment that will aid hair growth. Now that might trigger a little anxiety in some. But it’s a very simple process that is carefully carried out by a doctor or professional. Once the preliminary consultation is done,  blood is drawn from the patient. This blood is then treated to filter out and gather the enriched cells or platelets. This PRP or highly concentrated platelet rich plasma contains essential growth proteins. This is injected into the scalp and this can aid hair growth.

While this treatment can be done by itself, it is mostly done in combination with other hair treatments like hair transplant. It is ideal for people who have started experiencing hair thinning or hair fall. This can be done by all genders. People need to be aware of the fact that PRP is not a process that guarantees results unlike hair transplant or fixing. Over time patients do respond to PRPand often there is visible improvement in hair growth. But this can vary from person to person.

One crucial aspect is that people who have compromised platelets should not undergo this treatment. This includes people with chronic liver or skin infections, cancer, drug abuse and so on. Hence it is important that a patient shares their complete medical and lifestyle history with the professionals. At all our HOC centres, we ensure that there is a long, detailed study of the client’s medical history, lifestyle habits and so on. Today, Hair O Craft has a presence across many cities and so if you need to know more about PRP, GFC treatment and PRP treatment cost kindly visit your nearest Hair O Craft outlet or call us at 𝟗𝟏 𝟒𝟑 𝟒𝟑 𝟒𝟑 𝟎𝟎.

Summer Hair care

Just as extremes of summer have a harsh impact on your body, it can adversely impact your hair too. People spending long hours outdoors are more prone to get their hair damaged due to extensive heat, leading to a situation called Fried Hair.

Not only the temperature, but the subsequent UV exposure, dirt, pollution, and sweat promise a damaging effect on the hair and scalp and can degrade the natural quality of your hair. We tend to wash our hair at short intervals to avoid sweat and dirt accumulation which reduces hair strength and increases hair fall. In addition, not using the right hair care products for the season further worsens hair quality.

There are many simple but promising ways of maintaining healthy hair despite the scorching heat:

Trim your long hair:

As soon as summer enters, you must get your hair trimmed. This will not only help you get rid of split ends but will also allow the new ends to seep in nutrition. Moreover rough, frizzy ends are parched and they tend to take more humidity from the atmosphere, resulting in severe damage.

Give them a shield:

Using a scarf while coming out in the sun is the best way to prevent any damaging effects of the scorching heat. Just like sunscreen, apply a good hair care product that has UV filters in it. There are several products available in the market in various forms including spray, gel, or cream formulas that protect your hair from sun damage.

Use appropriate hair care products:

Products that ensure replenishing, hydrating, and moisturizing the hair and scalp should be preferred over those that guarantee bouncy or voluminous hair. Use hair serums and lotions to thicken the hair shaft and improve the quality of damaged hair.

Get a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner:

Owing to the heat, your locks tend to lose natural moisture. Moreover, with the increase in the rate of hair wash in summer to get rid of the excess oil produced by the scalp, to keep your hair and scalp clean and fresh to avoid any sweat accumulation as that may cause itchy and flaky scalp, and uncontrolled hair fall, there are lies an increased possibility of your hair becoming dry and fizzy. Using a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner is essential in retaining the natural quality of your hair.

Give the blower a break:

Hair dryers and flat irons are a blessing in our regular life, given the wide variety of styling options it enables us with. However, their usage in summer is better reduced to prevent inflicting damage to the natural texture of the hair.

Oiling is a must:

Frizzy hair is clearly a result of the lack of nutrition in your scalp. Massaging your hair with oil once or twice a week is sure to reap great results in terms of enhancing its texture and strength.

While going for a swim: Chemicals like chlorine and salt may strip off the natural moisture from hair strands. It is advisable to cover them with a cap.

Take extra care of treated hair: They require ultimate care and maintenance. Use specific products meant for your particular category of hair treatment. Cover your head while going out and avoid overexposure to sunlight to minimize the damaging effects of blazing sun.

Increase fluid intake: Water helps in maintaining equilibrium in the body, especially during summers when it is being constantly lost in the form of sweat. Replenishing the body with an adequate water intake counterbalances any damage.

Be healthy from inside: The most important way to keep hair healthy is to supply them with essential nutrients, either through a balanced diet or by taking nutritional supplements.

It’s by being mindful about these simple practices that you can keep summer-induced hair problems at bay. However, if you encounter severe hair complications, it’s advisable to consult a professional dermatologist to seek a customized solution.

Tags: best hair transplant in Kerala, hair clinic near me

Meet the experts for all your “Hair Talks”

No two people are the same, be it in character, behavior or physical traits. Every individual is unique and their personality and appearances are unique—whatever age or gender they may be. Look around for 10 seconds and you will find many people with a variety of hair types, textures, lengths and styles. Like any other organ or body part, hair follicles also have its own life and history. Let’s do some Hair Talk.

Genetics, nutrition, geography, weather conditions, stress….it’s surprising how many factors play a role in the hair health of a person. Some of these factors can be corrected or altered or maybe even reversed. For instance, vitamin deficiencies, thyroid issues, work stress and such aspects can, to a large extent, be corrected with timely intervention. It may require medical care and also lifestyle changes. But some factors like balding or hair thinning could be genetic or probably a medical condition and these can only be managed or in some cases, just accepted.

The sad truth is that often people associate their beauty and confidence to their physical appearances. And hair plays a big part too. So, an unhealthy hair condition, early graying or balding can all often make people worry or lose self-confidence. But the good news is that today, you have experts who can help you in addressing these issues and give your hair a makeover. But people may have questions about its safety, expense, side effects, etc. This is where our experts step in. At Hair O Craft, you can meet our hair experts for a detailed consultation and get answers to all your queries. They will study the client’s hair and scalp, understand their medical backgrounds, lifestyle and all other necessary details and then give a detailed consultation on all aspects.

Hair fixing, hair transplant and all the latest processes are available at all the Hair O Craft (best hair transplant in Bangalore) centres spread across India. Every centre is equipped with well-trained practitioners and most modern and hygienic facilities. To book a consultation please call to 91 43 43 43 00

Tags: hair clinic near megfc treatment cost in kerala

Does stress cause hair loss ?

Yes. There is a possible link between stress and hair loss. Stress can lead to many emotional problems including anxiety, depression and panic attacks. When we are stressed out, we adopt certain behavior like pulling out hairs to find some relief from stress. This causes hairs to shed eventually from that area.

There are three types of hair loss due to stress

  1. Telogen Effluvium
  2. Tricotillomania
  3. Alopecia Areata

Telogen Effluvium

This condition is a cause for temporary hair loss. High stress levels can push large no of hair follicles to a resting phase known as Telogen Effluvium so that no new hair strands are produced. Eventually, hair can fall out more easily even when you brush or comb your hair


If you have found yourself pulling our hairs because of stress, it could be a visible sign of Tricottilomania.

There will be an urge to pull out hairs from scalp, eyebrows and other parts of the body when you feel stressed out. It will give you an instant relief.

Alopecia Areata

Several factors are considered to cause Alopecia Areata including ageing, genetics and hormonal change. Another cause is severe stress. In this condition, your body`s immune system attacks hair follicles thereby causing it to fall out.

How can we cope with stress related Hair loss?

Stress Management

If you can find out the stress triggers, stress can be managed. There are some powerful activities that can help you manage stress effectively that include

  1. Yoga
  2. Meditation
  3. Exercise
  4. Dancing
  5. Counseling
  6. Therapy

Diet & Nutrition

A healthy balanced diet is prerequisite for keeping yourself in good state of mind. Starvation and malnutrition cause stress and slow down the hair growth. Make sure that you diet is rich in fruits and vegetables. Drink plenty of water.


If your stress level is high and it causes hair to fall out in large numbers, you can consult the Doctor. They will prescribe the right medicines for you.

Tags: GFC treatment cost in Kerala, hair clinic near me

Is Hair Transplant painful

Hair transplant is a surgical procedure. Because of this, there is a misconception that it is a painful affair. But, it is not true. There is little pain in the procedure compared to any other surgery. Since, scalp is a delicate part of the head; people have got a feel that it still hurts. Luckily, you hardly experience any pain thanks to the local anesthetic and post-operative medications. Although, it is a simple procedure, people need to understand what it includes and the level of pain and discomfort they might experience before, during and after the procedure

Pain before the Hair Transplant

The Donor area is numbed by administering the anesthesia before the Hair Transplant starts. There may be a slight discomfort while giving the anesthesia. Once the donor area is numbed, there will be no pain or discomfort on the scalp. The anesthesia normally lasts for 3 hrs. So, it needs to be reapplied multiple times depending on the duration of the procedure. 

Pain during the Hair Transplant

Following the anesthetic injections, the donor area will be numbed. So, patient will not feel any pain or discomfort while extraction of follicles is going on. After the extraction procedure is over, another anesthetic injection is given on the recipient area. Again, patient might feel slight discomfort while receiving the anesthesia. After that there will be no pain or discomfort while the grafts are placed on the recipient area.

Pain during the Hair Transplant

The scalp will remain numbed till the time Hair Transplant is over. After the procedure, the doctors will give post operative medicines including antibiotics and painkillers to the patient. It will relieve them of any pain or discomfort. After 2 days, patient will feel comfortable. No pain killers might be needed beyond this period. 

Receding Hairline

Hair loss affect men mostly in the form of  Male Pattern Hair Loss, Receding Hairline, Maturing Hairline etc.. Among this, Male Pattern Hair loss is the most common type. It follows a particular pattern often with a receding hairline.

7 Stages of Male Pattern Hair Loss

Medical experts use certain scales to track hair loss among men. The most commonly used tool for Male Pattern Baldness is Hamilton–Norwood Scale commonly known as Norwood Scale. The scale classifies seven stages of baldness. Doctors use Norwood Scale to measure the degree of hair loss.

Stage 1

In stage 1 of Norwood scale, there are very few signs of a receding hairline or there will be none at all.

What needs to be done?

  1. Follow a balanced diet and supplement if necessary.
  2. Quit smoking.
  3. Keep stress at bay.
  4. Use mild natural shampoos

Stage 2

In stage 2, a receding hairline is slightly visible. This is one of the early signs of balding.  Here the forehead becomes wider and temple slightly visible. Though this is unnoticeable, the hair loss is visible around the temple.

What needs to be done?

  1. If you are in the early stages of Male Pattern Baldness or thinning hair, you can continue applying the tips given for stage 1.

Can take therapies to control hair loss like PRP, Meso therapy, Biotin PRP, Meso Therapy etc

Stage 3

At this stage the hair loss tends to become more visible. The receding temple deepens and it takes an M shape

What needs to be done?

  1. At this stage, the hair loss can be termed as baldness at the Norwood scale. Men prefer to go for a different hair style at this stage. A shaved head or another short hair cut tends to work with this stage.
  2. You can continue taking the therapies to control hair loss.
  3. There are some medicines containing minoxidil which can be tried on scalp but with caution on their withdrawal hair loss if stopped abruptly.

Stage 4

By the time someone reaches stage 4, their hairline would have receded much deeper.  The bald spot at the back will become more noticeable.

What needs to be done?

  1. At this stage, all the above treatments can be tried to reduce further hair loss.
  2. Hair Transplantation can be a treatment choice in this stage for some men.

Stage 5

This is a progressive version of Stage 4.  Here the hairline and bald area are still separated, but, the strip of hair that separates them becomes narrower & thinner.

What needs to be done?

At this stage, most men go for Hair Transplantation or scalp micro pigmentation.

Stage 6

At this stage, hairline and bald spot get merged. Still hairs at sides can be seen. But, little hair can be seen in the front

What needs to be done?

Hair Transplant can still be an option

Stage 7

At this stage, almost all the hair would have lost. Hairline would have receded to crown area. Very little hair will be remaining on the sides.

What needs to be done?

Here, even the surgical procedure like Hair Transplant will not always give you a full coverage. So, Hair Transplant may be combined with Hair Fixing techniques to give better coverage.

Hair Transplant in Women

Hair loss is devastating for women as it is associated with their looks and is a source of beauty. So, when they face hair loss, it is more of an emotional issue.

There was a myth in the past that Hair Transplant was meant for men only. But, that was proved false when women started opting for Hair Transplants for their hair loss issue. However, the percentage of women going for Hair Transplants compared to men is significantly low.

Reasons for hair loss in women

Androgenic Alopecia

The hair loss in women is mainly due to Androgenic Alopecia. It is more of a hereditary issue. It is caused by a genetically shorter hair-growing period and a longer period between the shedding and growth phases. It is similar to male pattern baldness, except that hair loss tends to occur in a different pattern. Even the genes from parents can affect the hair, causing thinner strands and smaller hair follicles. In Androgenic Alopecia, the hair’s growing phase slows down. It also takes a longer period for new hair to start growing. Hair follicles shrink causing the hair that grows to be thinner and finer. Ultimately, it results in hair breakage.

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease. When there is alopecia areata, cells in the immune system surround and attack the hair follicles causing the attached hair to fall out. The more hair follicles that the immune system attacks, the more hair loss will occur. Hair transplant is contraindicated in alopecia areata.

Medical Treatment

Some medical treatments like chemotherapy and certain medications can cause hair loss as a side effect.


A large number of hair will fall out during the resting period after pregnancy. Excessive hair fall might happen 3-4 months after delivery

Hormonal imbalances

The hair may start falling out due to hormonal disturbances which can occur in thyroid disorders, menopause, etc.

a longer period for new hair to start growing. Hair follicles shrink causing the hair that grows to be thinner and finer. Ultimately, it results in hair breakage.

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease. When there is alopecia areata, cells in the immune system surround and attack the hair follicles causing the attached hair to fall out. The more hair follicles that the immune system attacks, the more hair loss will occur. Hair transplant is contraindicated in alopecia areata.

Medical Treatment

Some medical treatments like chemotherapy and certain medications can cause hair loss as a side effect.


A large number of hair will fall out during the resting period after pregnancy. Excessive hair fall might happen 3-4 months after delivery

Hormonal imbalances

The hair may start falling out due to hormonal disturbances which can occur in thyroid disorders, menopause, etc.

Two types of Hair Transplant methods

  • FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)
  • FUT (Follicular Unit Transplant)

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)

FUE is considered to be the ideal method of Hair Transplant in women. This method involves extracting follicular units from the donor area and transplanting them into the recipient area. The follicular units or, in other words, grafts contain one to four hairs in a single unit. Single-haired hair grafts are usually placed along the hairline, and two, three, and four-strand graft units are placed behind a follicular hair unit to create a denser hair appearance. This method makes the transplanted hair look quite natural.

FUT (Follicular Unit Transplant)

FUT is a surgical method where a strip of hair is taken from the donor area (Back or sides of the scalp) After harvesting, the extracted hair strip is divided into follicular unit grafts. These grafts are transplanted via tiny incisions to where they are needed to restore hairline and hair density in the balding area.

Advantages of Hair Transplant in women

  • Hair Transplant is a permanent solution for hair loss in women.
  • The Results are quite natural and good looking.
  • It can enhance the attractiveness of the women and boost up their confidence.

The importance of Hairline Designing in Hair Transplant

It is very common for patients to lose some of their transplanted hair in the first few weeks following a hair transplant procedure. While this may be worrisome at first, there is no cause for alarm if you are following your post-operative care instructions. The hair will grow in due course.

What is hair shedding?

Majority of transplanted hair falls out after two weeks in a process called hair shedding it is necessary for follicles to regenerate & create new hair. After hair transplant, a crust may be formed at the base of each hair shaft. The scabs falling off with hairs still attached to it do not mean that the follicle has been removed. The follicle remains in the same place beneath the scalp from which new hairs start growing gradually. The scabs will start to fall off in 5 to 7 days from the donor area & 7-10 days from the recipient area.

Great care must be taken post-surgery to minimize pain & eliminate the chances of infection. Cleaning is necessary to get rid of scabs & promote healing. Hair survives during the first 5 days after the hair transplant. But, the patient should still be very careful about scratching the scalp or washing the recipient area. The healthy follicles would be firmly in place within 10 days after the procedure and they cannot be dislodged. The shedding does not represent a lost graft.

What is shock loss?

The sudden loss of hair from the recipient or donor area within 4-8 weeks after surgery is called shock loss. In some cases, shock loss can occur even sooner. Great care should be taken to minimize the risk of experiencing the shock loss. However, this is a temporary phase and a normal part of the healing process.

Generally, shock loss is a natural response to hair transplant surgery among the minority of the population. Women are more likely to experience shock loss compared to men.