Does stress cause hair loss ?

Yes. There is a possible link between stress and hair loss. Stress can lead to many emotional problems including anxiety, depression and panic attacks. When we are stressed out, we adopt certain behavior like pulling out hairs to find some relief from stress. This causes hairs to shed eventually from that area.

There are three types of hair loss due to stress

  1. Telogen Effluvium
  2. Tricotillomania
  3. Alopecia Areata

Telogen Effluvium

This condition is a cause for temporary hair loss. High stress levels can push large no of hair follicles to a resting phase known as Telogen Effluvium so that no new hair strands are produced. Eventually, hair can fall out more easily even when you brush or comb your hair


If you have found yourself pulling our hairs because of stress, it could be a visible sign of Tricottilomania.

There will be an urge to pull out hairs from scalp, eyebrows and other parts of the body when you feel stressed out. It will give you an instant relief.

Alopecia Areata

Several factors are considered to cause Alopecia Areata including ageing, genetics and hormonal change. Another cause is severe stress. In this condition, your body`s immune system attacks hair follicles thereby causing it to fall out.

How can we cope with stress related Hair loss?

Stress Management

If you can find out the stress triggers, stress can be managed. There are some powerful activities that can help you manage stress effectively that include

  1. Yoga
  2. Meditation
  3. Exercise
  4. Dancing
  5. Counseling
  6. Therapy

Diet & Nutrition

A healthy balanced diet is prerequisite for keeping yourself in good state of mind. Starvation and malnutrition cause stress and slow down the hair growth. Make sure that you diet is rich in fruits and vegetables. Drink plenty of water.


If your stress level is high and it causes hair to fall out in large numbers, you can consult the Doctor. They will prescribe the right medicines for you.

Tags: GFC treatment cost in Kerala, hair clinic near me

Receding Hairline

Hair loss affect men mostly in the form of  Male Pattern Hair Loss, Receding Hairline, Maturing Hairline etc.. Among this, Male Pattern Hair loss is the most common type. It follows a particular pattern often with a receding hairline.

7 Stages of Male Pattern Hair Loss

Medical experts use certain scales to track hair loss among men. The most commonly used tool for Male Pattern Baldness is Hamilton–Norwood Scale commonly known as Norwood Scale. The scale classifies seven stages of baldness. Doctors use Norwood Scale to measure the degree of hair loss.

Stage 1

In stage 1 of Norwood scale, there are very few signs of a receding hairline or there will be none at all.

What needs to be done?

  1. Follow a balanced diet and supplement if necessary.
  2. Quit smoking.
  3. Keep stress at bay.
  4. Use mild natural shampoos

Stage 2

In stage 2, a receding hairline is slightly visible. This is one of the early signs of balding.  Here the forehead becomes wider and temple slightly visible. Though this is unnoticeable, the hair loss is visible around the temple.

What needs to be done?

  1. If you are in the early stages of Male Pattern Baldness or thinning hair, you can continue applying the tips given for stage 1.

Can take therapies to control hair loss like PRP, Meso therapy, Biotin PRP, Meso Therapy etc

Stage 3

At this stage the hair loss tends to become more visible. The receding temple deepens and it takes an M shape

What needs to be done?

  1. At this stage, the hair loss can be termed as baldness at the Norwood scale. Men prefer to go for a different hair style at this stage. A shaved head or another short hair cut tends to work with this stage.
  2. You can continue taking the therapies to control hair loss.
  3. There are some medicines containing minoxidil which can be tried on scalp but with caution on their withdrawal hair loss if stopped abruptly.

Stage 4

By the time someone reaches stage 4, their hairline would have receded much deeper.  The bald spot at the back will become more noticeable.

What needs to be done?

  1. At this stage, all the above treatments can be tried to reduce further hair loss.
  2. Hair Transplantation can be a treatment choice in this stage for some men.

Stage 5

This is a progressive version of Stage 4.  Here the hairline and bald area are still separated, but, the strip of hair that separates them becomes narrower & thinner.

What needs to be done?

At this stage, most men go for Hair Transplantation or scalp micro pigmentation.

Stage 6

At this stage, hairline and bald spot get merged. Still hairs at sides can be seen. But, little hair can be seen in the front

What needs to be done?

Hair Transplant can still be an option

Stage 7

At this stage, almost all the hair would have lost. Hairline would have receded to crown area. Very little hair will be remaining on the sides.

What needs to be done?

Here, even the surgical procedure like Hair Transplant will not always give you a full coverage. So, Hair Transplant may be combined with Hair Fixing techniques to give better coverage.