Crown Hair Transplant

Crown area or vertex area is seen at the extreme back of the scalp. When we consider the level of baldness, the crown area is affected by Grade 5- Grade 7 baldness. The Crown area baldness is normally seen on round or oval shape. For some people having Grade 3 or Grade 4 baldness, the hairs on crown area are seen thin without adequate thickness.

Taking note of their age and considering the level of hair fall, Medical treatment or PRP Treatment are normally suggested for them.

There are a few things to take care of before doing Crown Hair Transplant.

The age of the patient is an important part of it.  Then, it is the area of the baldness. Any medical treatment the patient underwent in the past also has to be verified. Another important part is the availability of Graft on the Donor area.

Crown Transplant is normally said to be the complex part of Hair Transplant. For some who have done crown HT, the density at Crown area is seen less compared to areas 2, 3 and 4. The reason is that the hair on Crown area staring from its centre point is seen like a whirlpool. So the density is comparatively less.  When we take a Grade 5 case of good Donor area, the max graft that can be taken is approximately 4000 only. Since the frontal area or area 2 is given more aesthetic importance, the transplant is done by lowering the density at the Crown area thereby improving the density of existing hair. At the same time when it comes to a Grade 6 case, there is a requirement for density at the Crown area. In that case, the Hair Transplant is done at other area first. The Crown Hair Transplant is done in the second sitting.

Though the hairs on the Crown area are in different patterns, doing a Crown Transplant could be possible for any HT Surgeon. However, doing a HT with good density on other parts of the scalp and a natural whirlpool kind of pattern on the crown area is an art in itself. Only an experienced surgeon can do this. Arranging the grafts taken in the right proportion and depth without damaging other grafts is to be done with great care. Normally, when doing the hairline reconstruction, multiple grafts are not used on hairline. In the same way, placing multiple grafts on the centre point of Crown is also important       (Doing HT with grafts of triple or more hairs). So, grafts of single or double hairs are used for implanting. Another important thing is the direction of hairs on the Crown area. The hairs have to be transplanted maintaining a whirlpool kind of pattern on 20 to 40 degree angle.

When we talk about the result of Crown HT, it takes more time to grow hairs on the Crown area compared to any other area on the scalp. That means when it takes 8 months to 1 year at other areas, it is 1 year to 1.5 years for the Crown area. All these depend purely on the availability and quality of grafts on the Donor area. One sitting can never cover Crown HT. Sometimes, more than one sitting would be required. In extreme cases, Hair Transplant can be completed in three sittings covering the Crown area too.

Surgical Safety of our Hair Transplant Procedures

Hair Transplant is a surgical procedure prescribed for people who are facing partial or full baldness. Since it is a surgical process, it is scientifically underlined to ensure the best results. With over 4000+ successful hair transplants, Hairocraft has been the most sought after hair transplant and hair restoration expert since 2006. 

Our treatments follow International standards and we have a very intuitive process. Efficient and effective hair transplantation isn’t about more number of grafts, but it is about determining the quality of grafts that will give the naturally best outcome for the customer.

At Hair O craft, we ensure safe surgical procedures that match the most up-to-date scientific standards. Our procedures are designed to incorporate both meticulous pre-testing for clients’ physical health and safety and post-care that can eliminate any infections. Our 2+ decades of experience have instilled in us a safe practice that ensures that every client has a set of individual needs and healing capacities and tailor the surgery in accordance to that.  Detailed consultation helps us understand the lifestyle and habits of each client – this helps in magnifying the treatment to gain the best possible result. 

Our ISO certified clinics employ experienced and qualified specialists who are passionate and professional. They are trained to meet your medical needs with care and respect for your medical needs. Our brand is built with an intention to satisfy our customers and provide them with the highest quality and commitment and we have strived to achieve that with our processes and resources. From onboarding to aftercare – our team is with you.

Hair Transplant for Grade 6 & 7

The picture given above shows grade 6 & 7 baldness cases. Normally, we might think if Hair Transplant for these cases is possible. Here, the possibility of doing Hair Transplant is purely dependent on the no of grafts available that can be extracted from their donor area.

Donor area

Generally, there are some principles when considering Hair Transplant for Grade 6 & 7. We can have a look at it.

Mainly, it is about how the grafts are distributed. Then, it is about how we can create a natural look in the frontal area. An experienced Surgeon will have a calculation of what to do when he sees these cases. Hair Transplant basically is a procedure in which hair follicles are extracted from the donor area and are implanted on the bald area.  So, when we take a grade 7 case, the area that is getting bald will be about 75 % of the scalp. The donor area holds the rest 25 %. It is called Androgen Resistant Hair.

75%                                                                             25 %

So, it needs necessary to cover this 75 % area with the grafts taken from the 25 % donor area. Still, we cannot fully use 25 % hair to implant in the frontal area.  Even though the hairs are seen overlapped on the donor area, we cannot take more hairs from there since it is visible. Because of this, it won`t be possible to cover the area with the 25 % hair exclusively from the scalp using the FUE method.  So, what we are doing is giving the good density in the frontal area and giving the maximum coverage to the back.

Even, we can use beard hair for giving the coverage. When we do this, care should be taken to mix beard hair and scalp hair. It will be visible if the beard hair is implanted independently. So, we have to implant the hair after mixing the beard hair and scalp hair. Normally, we don`t implant more beard hair onto the front. Because, it will give an unnatural look. The beard hair texture and scalp hair texture will be seen differently. So, we mix these before implanting it. So, when we do hair transplant for grade 6 & 7, it is ideal to give density in the frontal area and giving the maximum coverage to the back.

We can give good result by doing this. In addition, we can plan a second sitting after 4 or 6 months either to improve the density in the frontal area or giving a good coverage to the back. But, everything will depend on the quality of the grafts.

PRP Treatment after Hair Transplant

Men & women who are thinking of doing Hair Transplant need to understand what is PRP Treatment, what is its purpose, does it really contribute to better healing and hair growth after transplant surgery etc.

What is PRP and why is it recommended after Hair Transplant?

PRP can be defined as a concentrated blood plasma containing substances like leukocytes, platelets, cytokines and growth factors. It is considered to be an innovative treatment for some types of hair loss. It strengthens the hair and prevents hair loss. Therefore, PRP treatment is recommended after a Hair Transplant.

PRP treatment uses the rich plasma extracted from the person’s own blood by enriching it. For this, blood is first taken from the person using special PRP tubes and this blood is centrifuged. This divides the blood into a red, white & yellow part. The bottom red part is RBC. The middle white part is called Platelets Rich Plasma (PRP) which contains platelets and growth factors. And the top yellow part is Platelets Poor Plasma (PPP).

There are two types of Centrifugation. One is normal or single Centrifugation and the other is double Centrifugation. In single Centrifugation, Rich Plasma & Platelets are extracted in mixed form. Whereas in double Centrifugation, Platelets Poor Plasma (PPP) and Platelets Rich Plasma (PRP) are extracted separately.

The tissue grows faster and the hair follicles are nourished with the substances contained in the rich plasma. This is how the hair follicles are supported after the hair transplant. PRP treatment increases the success rate of Hair Transplant.

Advantages of doing PRP after Hair Transplant

  1. It improves tissue repair and the healing process after Hair Transplant. One activity that promotes tissue repair and healing after surgery is the release of platelet-derived growth factors. Single growth factors such as PDGF (platelet-derived growth factor) have been used by surgeons to promote wound healing in surgical patients in hospitals.
  2. It also strengthens inactive hair follicles and stimulates new hair growth. , PRP increases hair growth after Hair Transplant. But platelet-derived growth factors can also trigger inactive hair follicles and produce new hair.

How many PRP sessions are needed?

PRP Treatment is very effective for hair growth after doing the Hair Transplant. The no of PRP sessions needed will largely depend on the individual’s personal traits and a few factors such as overall physical & mental health, the extent of hair loss, etc. normally, 4-6 sessions are needed. It depends up on the quantity of blood taken for extracting the rich plasma. If it is 30-40 ml blood, 4 sessions are enough for doing the PRP treatment. 6 sessions are needed if the blood taken is 10-15 ml.

PRP is an innovative and advanced treatment that can increase the success of Hair Transplant. With this, not only the newly transplanted grafts but also the condition of your existing hair will also be positively affected. Your weak hair will become fuller and stronger too.


PRP Treatment is an important procedure when you go for Hair Transplant. It strengthens and increases the hair growth. For PRP treatment to be successful, it should be performed in a high quality clinic.