Skin Treatments

Get that flawless glow! “Your skin is glowing!” “Your face looks radiant!” “Oh, you have such flawless complexion!” These are comments most of us would love to hear. Skin is the largest organ in our body, and healthy diet and lifestyle is the first and best way to ensure healthy skin. However, stress, long working hours, constant travel, changing weather conditions and other emot ...

Give your Beard & Brows a new look

Give your Beard & Brows a new look

What’s the first thing you think of when you hear Hair Transplantation? Almost always it’s about transplanting the hair on your head. But did you know that you could fill and fix the hair condition of your beard, moustache and eyebrows too? Yes, that’s right! The basic principle and process of hair transplantation remains the same for the scalp hair, beard and moustache ...

Hair Care in Monsoon

The monsoon season brings relief from the scorching summer heat but also poses unique challenges for hair care. Excessive humidity, rainwater, and dampness can wreak havoc on our tresses, leading to frizz, dandruff, and other hair-related issues. However, with a few simple tips and tricks, you can keep your hair healthy and vibrant during the rainy season. Hydration is Key.During ...

PRP – safe way to healthy hair

Cosmetic procedures-be it hair or skin or even dental -are often viewed with a certain hesitation and even fear. The team at Hair O Craft understands this and is always eager to have detailed conversations with the clients, explaining the procedures, the pre care, the post care, side effects and so on. How many of you have heard about PRP treatment? PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma is ...

Summer Hair care

Just as extremes of summer have a harsh impact on your body, it can adversely impact your hair too. People spending long hours outdoors are more prone to get their hair damaged due to extensive heat, leading to a situation called Fried Hair. Not only the temperature, but the subsequent UV exposure, dirt, pollution, and sweat promise a damaging effect on the hair and scalp and can ...

Meet the experts for all your “Hair Talks”

No two people are the same, be it in character, behavior or physical traits. Every individual is unique and their personality and appearances are unique—whatever age or gender they may be. Look around for 10 seconds and you will find many people with a variety of hair types, textures, lengths and styles. Like any other organ or body part, hair follicles also have its own life and ...

Does stress cause hair loss ?

Yes. There is a possible link between stress and hair loss. Stress can lead to many emotional problems including anxiety, depression and panic attacks. When we are stressed out, we adopt certain behavior like pulling out hairs to find some relief from stress. This causes hairs to shed eventually from that area.There are three types of hair loss due to stress Telogen Effluvium Tr ...

Is Hair Transplant painful

Hair transplant is a surgical procedure. Because of this, there is a misconception that it is a painful affair. But, it is not true. There is little pain in the procedure compared to any other surgery. Since, scalp is a delicate part of the head; people have got a feel that it still hurts. Luckily, you hardly experience any pain thanks to the local anesthetic and post-operative m ...

Receding Hairline

Hair loss affect men mostly in the form of  Male Pattern Hair Loss, Receding Hairline, Maturing Hairline etc.. Among this, Male Pattern Hair loss is the most common type. It follows a particular pattern often with a receding hairline.7 Stages of Male Pattern Hair Loss Medical experts use certain scales to track hair loss among men. The most commonly used tool for Male Pattern Bal ...

Hair Transplant in Women

Hair loss is devastating for women as it is associated with their looks and is a source of beauty. So, when they face hair loss, it is more of an emotional issue.There was a myth in the past that Hair Transplant was meant for men only. But, that was proved false when women started opting for Hair Transplants for their hair loss issue. However, the percentage of women going for Ha ...