Beautiful eyebrows don't happen by chance!

hair fixing
Microblading is a technique using a super-fine pen to deposit pigment into skin. Our cosmetologists work with precision and high quality microblading tools resulting in natural looking, perfect eyebrows.
  • hairocraft

    Painless Procedure

    It doesn’t hurt as such, it is more a sensation. The process itself is not painful due to the
    numbing ointment that is applied.
  • hairocraft

    No Maintenance, Waterfproof

    No further maintanance is required and we offer free top-up treatment after 6-8 weeks. Microbladed eyebrows are compeltely waterproof.
  • hairocraft

    Quick Procedure, Affordable Prices

    The whole procedure completes within 2 hours. We offer several color tones for eyebrows to suit every skin, style and budget.
  • hairocraft

    Natural Looking Results

    The hair strokes are far more natural as a handheld
    needle/blade is used – there is no electrical gadget that permeates deep in this
  • Preparation

    No tanning or sunbathing before 3 days.
    No waxing or plucking eyebrows before 2 days
    Stop using any fish oil, vitamin A and vitamin E products before one week.

  • Procedure Day

    Avoid caffeine beverages or alcohol.

    Do not take aspirin or ibuprofen.

  • After Care

    Avoid exercise and keep the brows away from water for one week.
    Avoid putting makeup on the brow area for 4 weeks.
    Don't use faceial scrubs or peels for 4 weeks.
    Avoid direct sunlight for at least 4 weeks.
    Don't sleep on the face for the next 10 days.

Before / After Photos



How long microblading lasts?

Microblading can last anywhere from 12 months to three years, depending on your lifestyle.

Are there any chances of getting allergic?

Getting allergic is extremely a rare condition but there are people who are sensitive and allergic to some pigments but we will perform a patch test to make sure that you are not allergic prior to the treatment.

Does the microblading procedure hurt?

We use modern state-of-the-art hand tool that lets her create thinner, more precise, hair-like strokes that aren't as deeply ingrained into the skin and will feel only like little scratches.

Can microbladed eyebrows be undone/removed?

A salt/saline solution can be used to remove the microbladed brows.

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